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All participants attending the conference are required to register for the conference. The registration fees are US $249 (by May 15 or within one week of acceptance, whichever is later), US $299 (by June 1), and US $359 (after June 1). The full-time student registration fee is 50% of the regular registration fee.  The registration fee includes the proceeding on CD, program bulletin, coffee breaks, welcome reception dinner, one-year free membership of AIMS International or International Forum of Management Scholars, and admission to all technical sessions. Registration fee (minus US $100) will be refunded if a written request of withdrawal is received by June 1, 2009.

For the registration form, please click: http://www.infoms.net/icoqm9/Reg_form2.doc. For registration form in-absentia, please click: http://www.infoms.net/icoqm9/In-absentia-Reg_form.doc

    The members of AIMS International or International Forum of Management Scholars are eligible to receive 10% discount in the conference registration fee. For membership from: http://www.aims-international.org/membershipform.html or http://www.infoms.net/GMF_INDIVIDUAL.doc.

Guest/Spouse Registration
Participants are welcome to bring guests. A nominal guest registration fee of US $100 will include coffee breaks and welcome reception dinner. Guest/spouse is not eligible to present paper in the technical sessions.
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